Wednesday, October 31, 2012

FINE logo - Anne Buchal

Some time ago, at one of our meetings, the group thought we should have a logo to “brand” our shows. This would take the form of a fiber piece bearing the letters F I N E. After some discussion, we planned a wall piece in the form of a quilt. I made some sketches which we looked at and then I went on to make the piece.

I wasn’t very happy with result, which as you see was 4 squares alternating back and white fabric.  No one else was satisfied; the design was too severe, rather old fashioned. Now I am in the process of trying again, aiming for a design with less classic lettering, keeping the black and white which has the effect of carrying power: it needs to be seen across the room.

This is a project for a typographer, not a fiber artist. The pictures show the present quandary, the last of which is in paper. Suggestions welcome. Upper case?  Lower case? Serifs ? Color? 

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